The Story of a Photographer

Ugh ... well this is awkward ... talking about yourself !! As if anyone enjoys blowing their own trumpet ......

Well, here I go. I wasn't trained in photography at all ... in fact the only thing I knew how to do really well was annoy my little sister and ride horses ... oh and look after my dogs !!! I was never very academic at school either, but I loved to draw and paint and walk and generally be outside with my friends who were like minded. I could see the beauty in the outdoors and in animals, and I used to sketch or paint them or even mould them from old bits of clay from the welsh hillsides, into things which resembled them. Quirkiness and art has always been in my bones.

After the birth of my second son, I acquired a little DSLR with a kit lens to take some better pictures of the boys ... and that was it .. I was in love with a different form of art. Just snaps at first, but then as the boys grew, so did my photography. I needed a zoom lens for the rugby ... then a portrait lens for the close ups ... then my camera wasn't good enough ... then other people wanted pictures of their kids ... Aaaarghhhh ..... but I was loving it.

As I said earlier, my love was horses and dogs, and so this is where my photographic journey. took me next. I was soon being commissioned to take photo's of people's furry friends .. sometimes with them in the images and sometimes not. Learning all the time and once again, I was loving it !!!

And then came that fateful day when a friend said to me

"Emma, please can you photograph our wedding"

Noooooooooooo ....... Are you crazy ? I do dogs and horses and rugby kids !!! I don't know how to shoot a wedding !!! Are you all mad ?

But I was persuaded, and I accepted and I am so pleased that I did. I immediately fell in love with the excitement of the day !! It was a baptism of fire to say the least. Three different venues, which meant me getting in the car and driving along roads I didn't know.... trying to get to the venues in plenty of time. But I did it, and I loved it and so did my first ever bride and groom. After the images had been plastered all over social media, another wedding request came in ... and another ... and I thought wow ... I may need to up my skills here !!!

And so I did ... I have since spent a lot of money and even more time on investing in myself and my business. I have attended numerous wedding photography workshops, webinars, chats. I have been a second shooter for other photographers and gained valuable experience. I have upgraded my cameras and flash light system and joined theGuild of Photographers, whereupon I enter their monthly competition and have won some fabulous awards, of which I am very proud of, and I have now lost count of the weddings I have shot as a single photographer.

Most importantly though, I have made a name for myself in the industry, and I am recommended by various venues as a preferred supplier and I hope my images speak for themselves.

Thanks for taking the time to read a bit about this girl, who fell over this profession, but gives her all .. to everyone !!